Increasing Your Rank Gain As Lucio In Competitive Overwatch Part 2

Note: This post explores how Lucio may maximise his rank gain in Overwatch through personal performance. As Blizzard will not reveal how exactly the game measures individual performance due to potential for abuse, conclusions drawn in this post are educated guesses based on available data.

This post will be updated as new information becomes available over time.

It's a common misconception that Lucio receives less skill rating on a win and loses more on a loss than his DPS or tank team mates. However, this is not always the case. Data received from several support players on the forums have shown that supports are able to have similar Skill Rating gains and losses as their team mates.

Having tracked my own SR changes relative to my performance stats over 50 games, certain patterns have emerged. The biggest modifiers to SR gains/losses appear to be streaks, the difference between your personal MMR and your group's MMR, and personal performance.

Personal performance is the only factor which you have total control over, and getting more SR as Lucio revolves around performing above average for the player's rank. We've covered the general metrics every player is scored on, and metrics specific to Lucio in Part 1 of this guide.

Previously, I've covered how to set personal performance goals in your games to get more SR. This post looks at how a Lucio should perform

I've collated and averaged out the data of 50 Lucios from Silver to Diamond rank to get a rough idea of how well Lucio needs to perform at each rank in order to get more SR. What I've found is that every time I matched or surpassed my tier average for three or four of the following stats, I would gain more SR.

Lucio average K/D at each tier

Silver: 1.57
Gold:  1.61   
Platinum: 1.96
Diamond: 2.19

I'd originally eliminations were more important in factoring into the scoring. However, what I found was that the higher my death count, even if I did an impressive number of elims, the less SR I got. K/D thus appears to matter more than just kills alone. If you're playing a hyper aggressive Lucio that dies a lot just to rack up kills, it may be prudent to play more cautiously in order to keep your K/D high.

Lucio overall average healing/min at each tier

Silver:       944 healing/min
Gold:        1036 healing/min
Platinum: 1142 healing/min
Diamond:  1478 healing/min

The interesting thing about healing is that most people seem to think that's what should matter most when calculating personal performance for Lucio. However, data indicates that past a certain base amount of healing done, doing more healing doesn't seem to significantly affect your SR gain.

Lucio average offensive assists per game at each tier

Silver: 0.53
Gold:   0.92
Platinum: 2.82
Diamond: 2.95

Note that these are averages for a 15 minute game. If you have a short game, you might do less offensive assists. The more accurate calculation would actually be offensive assists per minute, but it's hard to estimate that at a glance while the game is ongoing.

There is no hard evidence to suggest so, but offensive assists may be one of the stats that help differentiate lower Elo Lucios from higher ranked ones. Getting a good number of offensive assists on top of good healing and K/D may result in higher SR gain.

Lucio average defensive assists per game at each tier

Silver: 12
Gold:  14    
Platinum: 15
Diamond: 17

Again, these are averages for a 15 minute game. Defensive assists don't seem to differentiate Lucios at different tiers very much, but they do still count towards your score and shouldn't be ignored.
Lucio average Sound Barriers given out per game at each tier

Silver: 16 
Gold:   18
Platinum: 19
Diamond:  19

Sound Barrier is an interesting metric because the game doesn't actually score you based on the number of allies it hits. It provides score via damage blocked as well as awarding defensive assists for kills that happen during its duration. So while the number of Sound Barriers may be a decent indication that you're playing well enough to charge your ult quickly, using it efficiently is much more important.
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  1. Theres no way, you're saying an averege silver lucio does 15k healing each game? that's not true, ONLY if hes a solo healer he can reach like 18k averege but when theres an Ana in your team, she goes like 15~18k healing done every game , shes a stronger healer and it's hard to score high on the healing while there are 2 healers as lucio... I usually end a good game with about ~1.5k lower healing than Ana while playing semi aggressive, ofc that if u braindead it and just sit on the back pressing ur AMP on heals every cd, then maybe u can reach those standarts on averege, but a good lucio wouldn't do that, I even believe higher ranks lucio have less healing than lower ranks, first, because the Ana\Mercy you have with you are good and second, because higher rank lucio does more than sit in the back and press heal on cd. But still, even when I score higher than Ana (~16k heal done) I get about 20~25 , with about 15~18 assists, so I don't believe the information here is right, there must be something else that fucks up Lucio's SR gain, it's an issue.

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